UltraCAD Design, Inc

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Issaquah, WA  98029


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What is UltraCAD? UltraCAD Design, Inc was a printed circuit board design service bureau located in the great Pacific Northwest. We specialized in large, complex, fast turn designs common in the video processing and data processing industries. Our customers came from all over the United States --- California to New Hampshire --- with over 95% of our business from repeat, satisfied customers.

Now that UltraCAD's President, Doug Brooks, has retired, these Web pages continue to offer news items relevant to our industry

New Free Mini Course Brooks has created this 30 minute mini-course on trace currents and temperatures. It is a must-watch for all PCB designers. Watching this will make you realize why the Brooks and Adam's book is a necessary book in every designer's library.
Expose Myths Watch Brooks expose the two biggest thermal myths in our industry in this 8 minute video clip. A must-see for all PCB designers.


        * NEWS *

Dramatic License Cost Decrease...


Universal License Is Now Free! Now that Doug Brooks has retired, he has reduced his administrative workload by consolidating all of UltraCAD's  calculator offerings. Furthermore, we now offer the single calculator "universal" license that enables every calculator UltraCAD offers for FREE! The following calculators are included:

UCADPCB4.3                    PCB Trace Calculator
UCAD_TTemp                  Trace/Current Calculator 
UCADPDSI                        Power Distribution System Calculator
UCCALC                           Differential impedance Calculator
Combination Tool             Calculate Permutations and Combinations
Fourier Analysis Tool         (Look at some specialized Fourier Series)
Impedance Tool                Make Impedance Calculations
Ultra_CT (freeware)          Crosstalk Calculator
Wiregauge3 (freeware)     Wiregauge Calculator

Learn more about this here:

New Book

Over the years Brooks and UltraCAD have written almost 100 articles and applications notes. A lot of that has been reprinted on UltraCAD's Web pages.
But some of that stuff was repetitive, some is outdated, and it was difficult to wade through and find the most appropriate article for the moment. This new book reprints the most relevant, important, and current ones. Read more about it here and see a table of contents.  You can buy from Amazon here.
Newest Free!   Book

This book is written for designers who may have had some courses (or even a degree) in electronics. But they have probably had little exposure to physics. Physical properties impact electronics (and in particular PCB design) in at least three important ways:


1. Electromagnetic energy and its effects

2. Material properties and designs

3. Thermal conduction, convection, and radiation.


This is NOT a book on physics. And this is NOT a book on how to quantify the effects of the impact of physics. Available for free PDF download and for paperback purchase on Amazon. Find out more here.


Recently  Released Brooks' and Adam's groundbreaking book, PCB Design Guide to Via and Trace Currents and Temperatures has been published by Artech House (a subsidiary of Horizon House Publications, Inc.). Go here to see more information and see a table of contents. Buy from Amazon here.

To see all of Doug's books, go here:

 LiveLesson Videos   Douglas Brooks and Prentice Hall have combined to make available Doug's signal integrity seminars to all designers and engineers in the comfort of their homes and/or offices. These videos, encompassing nine lesson titles and over 7 hours of videos, cover all of the topics Doug's seminars have become famous for. Go here to learn more about these lessons. 
Maxwell's Equations Doug's booklet on Maxwell's Equations takes the information from one of his seminars and reprints it in readable form. Maxwell's Equations are one of the most significant achievements in our industry. Unfortunately, they are almost always taught in Engineering School from an analytical (read calculus) standpoint. The calculus is so difficult, most students miss the impact. Brooks explains Maxwell's Equations without (almost) using calculus. This is a great introduction to the topic before you have to wade into the calculus mire. Click this link to buy a copy on Amazon.
Sampling Distribution     

The sampling distribution is the distribution of all the possible means of all the possible samples of size n that can be taken from a population of size N. Brooks goes into detail explaining what that actually means! Then the Central Limit Theorem says that (for sufficient sample size --- again something that Brooks explains) the sampling distribution is a Normal curve with a mean equal to the population mean and a standard deviation equal to the population standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size. So what, you ask? Brooks explains that, also, and why it actually matters.

Click this link to buy a copy on Amazon.


Books        Doug Brooks' 2003 and 2013 books (published by Prentice Hall) are available through bookstores. Click here and here to learn more about them, for ordering information, and to find Tables of Contents. Don't miss these great resources. (ISBN 0-13-141884-X and 0-13-341533-3  )
Simulations   Check out our simulations that we are now making available to the public
In Memoriam    Dave Graves   1957-2022