UltraCAD Design, Inc

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Brooks' and Adam's new new mini-course:

This 30-minute thermal mini-course video summarizes many of the important points in Brooks and Adams' recent book. Every PCB designer should be knowledgeable about at least the material covered in this mini-course. References are provided on most pages back to specific pages in the book for further reading.

To watch the video, click here:




1.Important Material Properties/Parameters  (Copper, Dielectric, Environment)
2.Physics of Trace Heating and Cooling
3.Ways of Determining the Relationship of Temp = Fn(Current) 

(prototype measurement, experimentation, simulation, formulas, intuition)

4.Parameter Sensitivities
5.Via Temperatures Are NOT Related to Current
6.Why Thermal Vias DON’T Work
7.Current DENSITY Is NOT Related to Anything
8.Fusing Currents

Two Biggest Thermal MYTHS

The two biggest PCB thermal myths are:

1. Via temperatures are caused by the current through the via, and

2. Current density is related to trace and via temperature.

Watch the 8-minute video here explaining why these myths are ... well ... myths. (This video is a subset, parts 5 and 7, of the mini-course above.)